

Fountain of You was selected by the American Music Theatre Project and the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland to be workshopped in their joint program in Glasgow in early 2024.


Fountain of You was part of the NAMT Festival of New Musicals in October it was awesome. Our presentations of selections from the show starred Kate Rockwell, Maya Days, Joel Perez, Tatiana Wechsler, Sondrine Lee Bontemps and Allie Re. Direction by Catie Davis and music direction by Jesse Kissel.


I started the year out directing a new play workshop of Adam Kraar’s Wherever You Go with Theater East. I also directed a workshop of Julia Blauvelt’s Two Hander starring Jill Eikenberry and Ella Dershowitz.

The Lonely Doll Musical had its very first table read with Theater Now New York, with Julie Benko in the lead role.

Fountain of You is going to be part of the NAMT Festival of New Musicals in October! It was also named a finalist for Syracuse New Works New Voices and American Musical Theatre Project.

And finally, I was awarded a very generous grant from Playwrights Realm to support work on a brand new play. It’s so new there’s no (good) title yet, but exciting nonetheless!

Oh- and more teaching at NYU’s Department of Dramatic Writing, Primary Stage’s Einhorn School of Performing Arts and The Dramatist Guild. And one-on-one script consulting when I have time. And remembering I have a website and then promptly forgetting again.


2022 was busy - so busy I neglected this website once again. I directed two world premieres Off Broadway: Stephanie Swirsky’s Don’t Do This to Us! at the Tank and Adam Kraar’s The Karpovsky Variations with Boomerang Theater at ART NY’s Gurral Theater. I had been developing both of these shows with the writers for a while and it was a joy to get to bring them to life, working with some of my favorite collaborators.

Fountain of You had a concert at Green Room 42 that was pretty awesome. We sold out, got great feedback and had a blast working with so many friends again including actors Jenni Barber, Jason Veasey, Maya Days, Lexi Rabadi, Caitlin Ort and Allie Re.

Fountain of You also had a staged workshop at the Z Theater in Virginia Beach starring Kate Rockwell and Maya Days.

Fountain of You was a semi-finalist for the O’Neill. I think there were other things we almost got, but I don’t remember.

Otherwise I’ve been teaching at NYU and ESPA, one-on-one script writing coaching, and living some big life stuff. It’s been a good year.


Thinking I should probably change the title of this section to “News I Remember When it’s No Longer News” but better late than never. Also thinking I can’t keep listing all the readings, but will try for highlights. In sum: writers groups are being attended (Playwrights Realm and TNNY), readings and workshops directed, plays written, musicals re-written, classes taught and booster shots taken. Onward!

Fountain of You

After a pandemic hiatus, Fountain of You is having its second 29-Hour Reading, starring Kate Rockwell, Joel Perez, Maya Days, Allie Re, Sondrine Lee Bontemps and Gabby Gomez!

24 Hour Plays

I wrote a monologue overnight for the 24 Hour Plays for the incredible Ana Villafane, that you can read about here.

Playwrights Realm Workshop

I’m teaching a free writing workshop at the Playwrights Realm as part of their new community programming initiative.

New Georges Tiny Play

I wrote a play for New Georges’ “Tiny Plays for the Time of No Plays” that you can read here!

Theater Now New York Writers Group

I was invited to join the virtual musical theater writers group at TNNY with composer Faye Chiao.

A Play About Doing a Play About Jared Kushner on Zoom in “Best of Cybertank”

The Tank is re-airing the zoom play by Stephanie Swirsky, that I had the pleasure of directing (and “acting”).

24 Hour Musicals (again) !

This one featured the amazing Ginna Le Vine and you can watch it here!

A Play About Doing a Play About Jared Kushner…

Stephanie Swirsky wrote a play about Jared Kushner that I was supposed to direct this summer in person, but when it got cancelled she wrote a play about how we couldn’t do the play, and we put that play up as part of LIME Fest at The Tank, with proceeds going donated to Immigrant Families Together.

Rule of 7x7

I wrote and directed a short zoom play for the incomparable Alex Trow and Patrick Barnes for Rule of 7 x7 at The Tank. (The title is The Bees Knees - but that was one of the rules, so all 7 plays are called that.)

24 Hour Musicals

Faye and I wrote a mini-musical overnight for the wonderful John Clay III that you can watch here.

Barrington Stage Writing Residency

Faye Chiao and I will be in residence at Barrington Stage, working on our new musical Fountain of You.

Playwrights Realm Reading

Excited to have the first public reading(s) of my new play The Lasagna Incident as part of the Playwrights Realm Inked Festival at ART-NY on February 26th.

VCCA & Sweet Briar College Residency

Faye Chiao and I will be guest artists at Sweet Briar college this month in a joint residency with Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. We’ll be workshopping a new musical, teaching master classes, writing and frolicking.